
What an Ad!

Once in a while, a print ad jolts me. What I do is clip it and discuss it with my students in my Contemporary Advertising class.

Today, there is a controversy over a big government deal with China, now cancelled. Our country is in a deep moral dilemma. There have been accusations of high level corruption in government and Jun Lozada, a government man consulted about the deal, was summoned by the Senate—literally surrounded and protected by nuns—to tell what he knows about the corruption.

Those pro President GMA say he is a liar. Those pro Jun Lozada say he is telling the truth.

What does the Pontifical University (The University of Santo Tomas), the oldest university in the country, alma mater of Lozada, have to say about it? This is where the ad comes in.

In this crisis, we pray for a massive dose of grace to make us do what is right in God’s sight.

In the big rally planned for tomorrow, February 25 (anniversary of EDSA 1), may the Lord protect the pure in heart and may His will, alone, be done.


  1. I'm so glad your sons talked you out into blogging. I like your blog and your paintings! :)

  2. Dear Aisha,

    Thanks for visiting. Speaking of paintings, I wish I had more time; I haven't seen my brushes in a year! Blessings.
