
Sssssssh, Adrian is Asleep . . .

Our cup this week is filled to the brim with grace.

Our hours revolve around an 11-month-old baby—Adrian. The whole household is extra alert, extra happy, extra thrilled, extra careful, extra everything.

Adrian is with us while his parents are away on a much-needed vacation. What a blessing to have him!

He's a very happy baby, so adorable, and is always smiling but I couldn't capture it in photos, sigh. I should stop blaming my camera for my inadequacy as a photographer.

The people who are at Adrian’s beck and call are: Tony, who comes home extra early from the office; JC, whose first question when he comes home is, “How is Adrian?”; JR, who is taking time off from his bar review; and two househelpsAte Vi, who slaves over Adrian's yummy home-cooked meals, and Jen, who does her housework at record speed so she could take care of Adrian.

And then there’s Sam, Tony’s driver, who has been assigned to drive our little guest anywhere or to Gymboree where Adrian attends classes or simply plays. And of course the people in the whole neighborhood, who now call Adrian by name when we stroll with him early mornings and late afternoons; and last but not least, his Amah (moi), who closed shop for Adrian's visit.

The downside is, I think we may already be spoiling him.

We tip-toe and don't breathe when he’s asleep. We race in trying to carry him—and now he doesn’t want to be in his stroller or playpen anymore. He whimpers and raises both hands to signal he wants to be carried. And then he points to the door to say he wants to go out. And we are all more than willing to oblige!

My prayer is that he goes back to his regular schedule when he flies home to Michigan. Otherwise his mommy, who has been doing a great job as a SAHM (left her job for Adrian), will have a difficult time juggling her schedule.


  1. You are mush, Grace! I don't blame you - he looks so adorable!

  2. Hi, Socky!

    Yeah - mush, mushy, mushier, musiest! Funny what a baby can do even to a battle-scarred ad veteran. Hahaha!

  3. Awww! Kids do paint our lives differently, the change everything how we view the world and our priorities. They are a real bundle of joy! I don't blame you being mushy, babies have that effect on parents!

  4. Dear earthlingorgeous,

    Our baby was certainly the top priority this week. They leave in three days. Thanks for the visit!

  5. He is adorable. Yes, I think you maybe in a little trouble for spoiling him so. :-) But, all would not be right with the world if you didn't spoil him, huh?

  6. Hi, Petula,

    I hope he realizes that the spoiling only comes from this part of the world and that things should be back to normal back in Michigan. Hahaha!

  7. i like your site. very interesting for me God's blessing is really amazing, i couldn't imagine how God turned me like this, but i thank Him so much. anyway like the other comment said his so adorable... hehehe, he really stare at his grandfather as a total stranger. is that your first meeting?

  8. Hi, Daem,

    Thank you for visiting my site. Yes, God's grace is really amazing. And yes, this was our very first meeting!
