
Who Are You?

ho are you? Adrian seemed to be asking when Tony—this man who is the older version of his father—carried him.

To Adrian, our first and only grandson, we are strangers. Since he was born almost one year ago in Michigan, USA, he had never seen us.

But we’ve seen a lot of him through the photos which his parents regularly send.

So when my son JB, and his wife Gianina, announced they were coming home to the Philippines for a two-week vacation, we were more than excited, we were euphoric. At last, an . . . eyeball!

They were scheduled to arrive at 12 midnight and so there we were—Tony, JC, JR and me—our eyes riveted on the video that monitored the movement of passengers.

As soon as we saw the image of two adults and one baby in a pram, we rushed to the arrival area. It was hot and humid and the crowd was like that of a night market's on sale (a contrast to cold and peaceful Michigan at this time of the year).

Adrian looked bewildered and confused. Where on earth am I? He must have been thinking.

He was not aware that he and his parents have just completed the picture of a family set apart by space and time. It was a Kodak moment, yet my camera couldn't even begin to capture the depth and breath of joy and its synonyms.

But God’s grace made us record this moment in our hearts, forever.

Someday I will tell Adrian how it felt like when we saw and touched him that very first time.


  1. lovely lovely picture!

  2. Dear Ggie,

    Yeah, tsamba! Hehe!

  3. That is a wonderful photo of them checking each other out for the first time in person. A perfect one for the scrapbooks! How proud you must be.

  4. Hi, Petula,

    Proud indeed. And the scrapbook is on its way with this photo as the cover!
