
Water Paradise (2)

On my second day at Water Paradise Resort, I decided to look for the missing water—outside the premises. See, the few times I was in Bohol, I had all the water I needed and wanted to enjoy.

At 5:30 at dawn, I donned my walking clothes and went past the resort gate. I asked the guard if it was safe to walk alone that early. He was half asleep but managed to nod.

A few meters from the gate, I was met by these dogs.

They were earlier asleep on the road so I thought I could take their photo. The flash woke them up and they snarled at me. I shook in my rubber shoes.

The rustic scene had a few paths that led to somewhere. I took one and saw these:

After one hour, still no water. I walked back to the resort with a resolve to try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow  gave me great company. My friends in the National Advisory Committee are also avid walkers—Sito, Pastor Bong, and Atty. Arni. Gary, the 5th member of our group didn't believe in the benefits of walking as much as he did in the benefits of sleeping.

A bit more adventurous with three bodyguards, I followed their lead.

We saw water! A sea of water! A few fishermen were enjoying their fresh catch for breakfast, reminders of God's abundant grace.

This is the Bohol I know and love: a place abundant with water, a water paradise.

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