
The Gift of Second Motherhood

“Second Motherhood as Book Author” was how Carina Roncesvalles, writer/journalist of Philippine Star, defined what I am today. It was very kind of her to write about me in the newspaper’s Mother’s Day issue.

I am honored . . . and humbled.

Motherhood is such a noble role that to become one is a privilege of the highest order. Mothers are celebrated the world over on Mother’s Day. And on any ordinary day, we are probably the most lionized group of human beings this earth has ever seen.

To be a mother twice in a lifetime, now that’s what I call . . . double grace.

“Second careers have been heard of. But motherhood can take a second turn, too,” was how Carina began the feature story.

“When her army of three young men graduated from her cudgels, motherhood for Grace took a second challenge as she writes children’s books.

“In writing books for children, Grace presents her learning as a mother when her kids were growing up. She has become a second mom to the kids who reads her stories.”

Despite being a flawed part-time mom when my children were growing up, I had not realized how this role could be given twice in a lifetime. Indeed we have a God of second chances! For this second act, the Lord has gifted me with all the time I need in a day and as many children as my books can reach.

I’d like to thank Carina for making me see myself in this new light.

The article has a photo of my family in my “first” motherhood; and a photo of my “second” motherhood with some of my “children.” Here are the two photos in bigger size. They look like nits in the article reduced many times over to fit this post.

I am keeping a copy of the clipping (actual size: 1/3 of a newspaper page) because it will remind me that on Mother’s Day 2008, I was made aware of the grace of motherhood granted me twice.


  1. How wonderful! Congratulations!

  2. congratulations Ms. Chong. It's just now that I realized I can post some cooments here. =D

  3. Hey, Ryan, you found your way to my comments section! Thank you for taking the time.
