
My Stress Buster

For the past three days, I have been shuttling (literally running) between my computer and the TV set. I’d type in a paragraph during commercial break. And last night, being Sunday, I totally abandoned my computer. I just sat before the TV set for hours and hours, from late afternoon to way past my bedtime.

Now I know how it feels to be a couch potato.

What kept me glued on TV? American Idol Marathon. World Star channel ignored its regular programming and had been showing nothing but American Idol episodes one after the other, with very minimal ads.

American Idol has been the only show I watch consistently, except on those days when I am not at home. This has been solved by the marathon. Now I have seen every single show of season seven. Now, what to do with strained muscles and eyes . . .

For me, AI is unadulterated fun and entertainment, a family show at its best—delighting people in all life stages. It doesn’t take brain surgery to enjoy it. It’s full of laughter and good-natured bantering. And it’s all about music. It’s a perfect stress buster.

Three days from now, all this will end at the finals—to resume again next year. My TV viewing will go back to what it has always been—sporadic. Which isn’t a bad thing, really. Now that I am out of advertising, I don’t need to watch ads anymore, nor am I compelled to be updated on the shows which fit which ads.

Meanwhile, who will win in the battle David vs. David? I think David Cook should win. But David Archuleta will.

It doesn’t really matter. The show’s been my gift of grace—sent by a creative God through the boob tube so I may receive it on certain days to relieve the incessant stress brought on by a world getting wearier every day.


  1. I haven't watched American Idol this time, but I heard it's been really good.

    Yea, those marathons will get you everytime. I always get stuck with CSI, Law & Order or something on Lifetime! :)

  2. Try to watch the finale re-run. It'll take all your blues away.

  3. hi grace, i tried to write you this yesterday, before the finals:
    "but grace, we have to believe that somehow, America will choose cook." But my DSL connection wouldn't let me.
    After watching the finals last night,however, it was clear that your prediction would come true. I didn't have the heart to watch the results. But this morning, I checked online, and.... wahoooo!!!! (hope i didn't spoil it for you):)

  4. Hi, Joanne,

    America nailed it! Looks like Simon isn't the Pied Piper he used to be. The finals seeemed to point to a little David win, so when the result was announced, people's jaws dropped. Well deserved win indeed!

  5. Couldn't agree more. Ü

  6. Woohoo! Glad David Cook won! ;) I could never catch the TV airings - good thing there's YouTube! Cook's renditions of The Music of the Night, Billie Jean, Always Be My Baby, Hello , and Don't Wanna Miss a Thing are my current iPod fare ;)

    Best part of results night: Simon apologizing to Cook for "verging on disrespectful."

  7. Hi, Alvin,

    Posted a comment in your site about AI. You're a co-Cook! Thanks for the visit.

  8. Hi, Aleks,

    I think Simon did that because he knew Cook was the winner. He'd been more 'disrespectful' to the other contestants in the past but never apologized. Anyway, enough of Simonizing for me. After all, he's one of the reasons I watch AI!
