
So Where's the Book? (Part 2)

When my friend Eli announced she and her husband were leaving for the US for a medical check-up, I grabbed the chance to plead, “Please, please get me The Christmas Box.”

“No promises, Grace,” she apologized. Theirs was going to be a very brief trip.

I was hopeful. Eli is a fellow book lover and I just knew she would yield to the call of at least one bookstore.

Exactly two weeks from the day Eli left, she calls.

“I’m back! And I want to thank you for asking me to buy you The Christmas Box.”

 “You got it?”

“Yup, plus more!I also got you Timepiece.”

(Timepiece is the prequel/sequel of The Christmas Box.)

I was right. Eli could never resist the lure of a bookstore. She squeezed in an hour of her crammed schedule to visit one. And when she got out of there, she was lugging over a dozen other books, which she hand carried, and which, I am afraid, caused her a major arm injury.

“How much do I owe you?” I ask, when I finally get hold of my two new books.

“Forget it,” she says. “Those are my books. After reading them, I felt thoroughly inspired and blessed. And I am more than happy to bequeath them to you.”

I have written three books on grace (received through people). About my friend, Eli, I think I will write one more.


  1. YAY! So glad you got both books!!

  2. Isn't that great? Each of them is a good read. I think I am drawn to both because it centers on love children. Have you read his other novels yet?

  3. Not yet but it is my intention to get one this week to read. I will let you know whcih book I end up with.

  4. Hello Ms Grace ... I have your four (4) books on Grace ... and same with Eli, I have passed on them to my close friends, just like spreading the grace I received from reading your books. I got comments from those who have read your books - they said that it's so magical to read those stories and get the feel that you once have experienced it some way or the other /// Thanks again for sharing those graces - through sharing we spread the good news far and wide ...

  5. Hi, Emil! Thanks, too, for passing on the stories of grace from my books.

  6. ok...I ordered "The Looking Glass" and it appears that I may have to look into your books of Grace :)

  7. OH my! Your books look awesome. I want to get one for myself my mom and my cousin. Not only will they enjoy your stories but also the fact that you are Filipino. Did I tell you that my mom's father was from Caridad and or Caveti (spelling?). I will let you know when I get your books.

  8. Hi, Melb. We live close to Cavite and we're visiting the place today. Have you been there? Great area, with some of the best fishponds around! Oysters abound! My books are available on-line through http://omflit.com
