
Adrian Turns Two

This little birthday boy is in town for a short visit. Naturally, I am closing shop, for at least two weeks.

Last year was a time of firsts for us and for him.

Together with his papa and mama, he came home from icy-white Michigan to red-hot Philippines so we can take turns pampering him, and be all witnesses to his dedication to the Lord. The ceremony was officiated by the same minister who officiated his parents' wedding four years earlier.

We also celebrated with him his first birthday. “We” means his mother's family (lolo, lola, and two titos) and his dad's family (Angkong Tony, Amah Grace [moi], JC and JR). That's a total of 10 people plus this special little guy who is our bundle of grace, and who turns us into mush—the first grandchild of both his maternal and paternal families. In less than three weeks, he flew back to Michigan.

One year later, today, we celebrate his second birthday. It's not a time for seconds, though. Everything seems new again.

During his party (two days ago), he played basketball (his mama's sport), and played the guitar (his papa's musical instrument).

He gobbled up noodles, proof of his Chinese heritage; and entertained everyone, proof of his Pinoy psyche. He speaks fluent Filipino and some English.

And, yes, he can ask me for anything he wants. Ooops.


  1. aaawww.....how sweet. Happy Birthday Adrian. Have fun!!!

    When you say he speaks fluent Filipino is that Tagalog? Is that what you speak?

  2. Hi, Melb.! Thanks! Yes, Filipino is the official name of the Philippine National Language which is based on Tagalog, a regional mostly spoken in Manila.
