
Surfing Grace

Idle web surfing brings surprising grace. I found this on the net, in a blog called The Book Buzz. It’s an interesting, incisive site that focuses on reviewing books. One of the books reviewed was Half and Half, the first in the Oh, Mateo! series.
The blogger does not identify himself. But I want him to know how deeply I appreciate every word written here. Borrowing his words, I am “armed with nerves of steel” to not “crumple at the occasional emotional havoc wrought by this heartwarming book" review:

"The truth is, I'm weak-kneed when it comes to children's books. I can handle epic novels and violent plot twists and literary whodunit cliffhangers... but I crumple at the occasional emotional havoc wrought by that rare, outstanding book written for little readers.

"And I think this first of Mateo's stories in a series by Grace D. Chong is simply one of those for me.

"It tells of an endearing boy, Mateo, who everyone can easily think of as a kid brother or best friend or the-son-you-never-had. His teacher asks their class to draw their favorite fruits, all for a big inter-school contest. So they all draw their hearts out, including our little Mateo.

"But his drawings, although exceptional, are only halves of fruits. A smart aleck!, the teacher thinks. The teacher is incensed (as we all probably would be, as grown ups--we easily forget that we once saw the world as children, too) and calls Mateo's attention. Is this his idea of a joke? Did he not understand the instruction? Which is, plainly, to draw your favorite fruit... not half of your favorite fruit!

"And what did Mateo have to say to all that? He explained that no, he wasn't fooling around; and yes, those indeed were his favorite fruits... and he drew them exactly as he has always had them at home. You see, his father brings him home fruit whenever he has any extra left from what little he earns. And Mateo shares it half-and-half with him. That's the kind of fruit he likes: shared with a loved one.

"I realize now I'm giving you the whole story, but I feel this urge to justify the kiddy tears that brimmed my grownup eyelids as I read Mateo's simple explanation to what is probably one of the more complex values our society has yet to fully grasp and practice. Love that cannot contain itself, and overflows into unselfish giving.

"I look forward to reading the rest of the series, armed with nerves of steel this time, so Mateo will not have me wound up around his little pinkie...!

"Oh, what the heck. He's so cute anyway, I'd gladly let him take me on a ride into his world any time, tears or no tears—and let me see everything through the eyes of a child again :)"


  1. What a beautiful review. I guess I will have to get this series as well. Yes, I received your 1st book, Gifts of Grace. I had ordered 3 of the first book - two to give as gifts. I must admit that I "balked" at shipping but I started reading yesterday and I am happy that I spent the $$$. Thanks so much for sharing your God given gift of writing!

  2. Thanks Melb. Yes, shipping costs more than the book! Thank you for taking time to read Gifts of Grace 1. Hope you get hold of the others. May God bless you and your family richly.
