
Full Page of Grace

My books, and how I write them, have been featured in various magazines and newspapers—blessings beyond measure. When one article occupied one-half page in a Manila newspaper sometime ago, I almost fell off my seat. I was ecstatic.

Now, in my shoes, what would you do if you saw your face and your works occupy one full page, in full color?

Please pick me up from the floor; I fell off my seat.

In The Freeman newspaper in Cebu, where I have a bi-weekly column in the Kid Stuff section, I found this:
It was written by the Kid Stuff Editor, Ritchie Salgado, who prefers to be called Tribo. I met Tribo in person for the first time when I flew to Cebu in December for some book talks and signing. We had a long, wonderful chat. And that chat found its way to this page!

Tribo, if you are reading this, I want to thank you for the honor of being featured in your newspaper. Let me congratulate you and all the people you work with for all the work The Freeman does for children.

The “Most Outstanding Newspaper Section" you won in the 6th UNICEF/Phil. Press Institute Child-friendly Newspaper and Journalist Awards affirm your commitment to excellence.

Let me end my post with this verse:

“Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'” Matthew 19:14


  1. wow... thanks ma'am grace... it is really an honor to have you in our team :D we are so happy that you liked it... God bless to you!

  2. Congrats, Grace. I love the title "Storyteller." So you!
