
Hidden House Treasures

Tying-loose-ends day is how I call those rare, extremely rare, days I can set aside for doing the teeny odd jobs that I put on the back burner.

You're familiar with some of these: a seam in the drapes that needs re-stitching; press releases that need clipping; notes and receipts that need filing; little gift items that need sorting; little plastic bags that need unloading; cabinets that need cleaning; buttons that need re-sewing; a nail mark on the wall that needs painting over; oh, so many more!

So I finally had my long-delayed and much-postponed tying-loose-ends day.

After doing all of the above, I opened my sewing machine cabinet and what did I find? An unusually heavy pouch, the look of which I don't remember.

I untied it and guess what I saw? Coins! Lots and lots of coins!

How or when they got there, who put them there (chances are, it was I), why they were there—well, my mind was blank.

Counting them took so much time because they were in five-and-ten-peso denominations. They totaled over P3,000 (US$66)! I furiously looked for more hidden treasures in that tiny cabinet and found many small plastic bags containing . . . that's for the next tying-loose-ends-day.

The phone rang and the sun had set. The boys came home one after another, and then it was time to thank the Lord for His grace at the dining table.


  1. Nice blog you have here ... will visit again ..

  2. Thank you, may the good Lord bless you.
