

Today is the 10th day of the 10th month of the year 2010. Numerologists and seers say it is a lucky day.

I am neither a numerologist nor a seer, which is why I don't believe in luck, but in grace.

I believe that power comes only from God, not from numbers, or things, or coincidences. And the unchanging truth is found only in God's WORD (the scriptures). “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17

Having said that, I want to thank the God of truth and grace for JR, my original 10-10-10 boy, who celebrates his 28th birthday today.
Every number associated with JR's birth was the number 10. He came into the world at 10 PM. He weighed 6.4 pounds (6+4). My hospital room was #10 and my medical bill was P10,000.

When I told him this story about his birth a few days ago, I stretched the numbers game even further. Your age, 28, is also 10 (2+8).

He laughed, as though I cracked the funniest joke in the world and joked back, “Maybe I will be president of this country one day.”

I returned the favor and laughed as well.

For me, every day is a day of our Lord. It matters not under what number it falls. It's our choice to make it happy or gloomy. He pours His blessings to one and all. But only those who believe in grace are grateful to the Giver.

Won't you sing with me?

Give thanks
With a grateful heart
Give thanks
To the holy One
Give thanks
For He's given
Jesus Christ, His Son

And now, let the weak say
I am strong
Let the poor say
I am rich
Because of what
The Lord has done
For us
Give thanks . . . 


  1. Nice one ... i love this song too

  2. I am still singing it as I write this. We also just sung it in church during our prayer meeting. Thanks for the visit!
