
Oh, to Fly Free!

It was an odd, inactive day at the office of our medical transcription school. I was pinch-hitting for the office manager who was on a holiday and I expected to be swamped with work.

But from 8 AM to 4 PM, there was not one phone call, not one guest, and not one errand to fuss about. Most of our students (nurses) were on leave because of the oath taking.

One could stay only so long on FB, or blog, or write newspaper columns two weeks before deadline. I had not anticipated the lull, otherwise it would have been the perfect time to: 1) Write. But all my unfinished manuscripts were in my hard disk at home; 2) Read. But all my new books from the book fair were likewise at home; 3) Go shopping. But I was on duty and couldn't leave the office, could I?

I paced the floor, called all my friends, and scribbled new ideas in my notebook. One more long hour to kill.

Then, from my desk I saw movements outside the window.


A flock of birds soaring, dipping, swooping down and around the clouds. I rushed to the window ledge and enjoyed the breathtaking view. Round and round and round they flew—free and easy, enjoying the cool wind, the warm sun, each other's company in the great outdoors, so close to heaven.
Instantly, I imagined myself as one of them, instead of a bored pinch-hitter cooped up in an air conditioned small office, and I flew, round and round and round—free and easy, enjoying the cool wind, the warm sun, each other's company in the great outdoors, so close to heaven.

Imagination . . . what a grand gift of grace from the Creator of birds! And it comes faster than your next breath. I flew for one whole hour till I was jolted back to earth by footsteps of students saying, “See you tomorrow!”

Tomorrow, when all the students come to school, I won't have time to fly free.

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