
Let Loose, Let Go

Twice a day I visit my FB account and while there, I greet birthday celebrators, click “like” on some messages, and type one-liners on others. In ten minutes, I get to know what's up with the world among my cyber friends.

One wall post particularly hit me hard one day.  It was by motivational speaker and author, Francis Kong: “Missing my baby. My 24-year-old Hannah Kong will be going to Paris to continue her studies in Fashion. Our kids, no matter what age they are will always be our babies . . . but got to let them go to pursue their dreams.”

I clicked on “like” and typed, “My thoughts exactly.”

My own baby, JR, will leave early tomorrow for abroad to take up his Master of Laws (LLM) degree.  After that, who knows where his dreams will take him? 

There is no way a parent can not NOT let loose and let go. My grammar at this time fails me.

In some small nook of every parent's heart is a desire to put a leash on every child, not because you don't want him to leave your sight, but because you are afraid that—when  he's out in the wide, cruel world—you are not there to protect him.

But one day too soon, every child leaves the nest to chase his dreams and make his own life. And you discover that what you say with your mouth—“Go!”—is different from what you ask with your heart—“Will you be okay?”

So you give your smiles and blessings, celebrate the leaving with a loud and happy weekend getaway, and pray in your quiet hours that the Lord's grace will follow him wherever he goes.
I never doubted God's protection.  He promised all our Bible heroes in the Old Testament—whether going into battle, crossing seas and rivers, being fed to the lions, or exploring uncharted territories—“I will be with you.”  And He was.

He promised His disciples, and us, when He resurrected and ascended back to heaven, “I will leave my Holy Spirit to take care of you.”  And He did.

But mothers will always be mommies, and their children will always be babies.  

JR, go!


  1. Amen...you have aptly put into words kung ano ang laman ng puso ko or of every mother for that matter na may anak na nasa malayo but like you said we are at peace with the Lord's promise to His children, "I will be with you." Ang role nating mga nanay, is to pray without ceasing for our children.

  2. We go down on our knees . . .

  3. Precisely what I experienced too when we said goodbye to Lucci and her family recently. I guess that umbilical cord would never be broken.
