
Most Eloquent Message

On Easter (last year), my email in-box got clogged with so many messages and commentaries.  The most eloquent for me came from the mouth of a special child. Let me summarize it.

At age 10 James was still in kindergarten; his motor skills and speech were way below everybody's.

That day, James’ teacher spoke about Easter and what it means to Christians. "Jesus rose from the grave," she said. "The only one nailed on the cross who did so. He lives." She also spoke of eggs, bunnies, white lilies, and all the symbols of Easter familiar to children.

She asked her students to bring to class the next day anything that reminds them of Easter. 

Next day came and everyone was asked to explain what he/she had brought.

“Eggs!” one said. “I go egg-hunting on Easter.”

“Easter bunny!” another said, showing a nice photo. 

"Flowers." "Church." "Jesus." "Cross." "White lilies!” Some were drawings, some were paintings, and some were real items.    

"How about you, James? Did you bring anything?" the teacher asked.

James stood up and gave his teacher a box. The teacher opened it for everyone to see what was inside.  

"But there's nothing there!" they chorused.

"Class, James just forgot to put something in the box, that's all," the teacher made excuses for James and patted James on the head. 

James said haltingly, “T-that is Je-sus’ t-tomb. Th-there’s n-nothing there b-because Jesus is n-not d-dead. H-he’s alive!”

All the kids said, "Right!" But the teacher lost her tongue.


  1. That's why Jesus said that the kingdom is for those with pure childlike faith. James knew! Thanks for this gentle reminder, Grace.

  2. It is our prayer that more people will know about this truth and, like James, will believe.
