
Forgotten Episodes

Countless episodes that involve countless people shape our lives; but our brain simply can't remember them all.

There are episodes, however, that leave a permanent imprint in a child's heart. When that  child has grown and unearths one episode for you, you still have no clue as to how or why it happened. And yet you feel unusually thrilled that it happened, and that you were a part of it.   

Today is one such day of unearthing . . . 

I have not seen my niece Mel (daughter of a first cousin) since she was a kid—it has been so long I can't remember the last time we saw each other. She now has her own family  and lives abroad.

Suddenly, my private message balloon pops up while I read my FB wall.

“Hello, auntie . . . do you remember me?”

I quickly click on her page to make sure who she is. That done, I reply, “Of course. Mel!” and we easily settle into a warm, newsy chat. 

While reading her messages and writing my replies, I keep wondering whether we ever figured in a chat such as this one in person. No recollection comes. Thank God for FB! 

Our chat ends when my phone rings, “Bye, love you, Mel . . .”

Her reply delights but disorients me: 

“Love you too auntie . . . You know, I remember so well coming to your house when I was a kid and there I tasted the best siopao. Now I want to cook the best siopao as well . . .”

(Siopao is a hot bun, a type of dumpling with sweet pork filling. It is often referred to as steamed dumplings.)

Oh, I wish I could remember that episode, but my memory totally fails me.   

Mel has reminded me once again that as a children's book author, I need to be extra judicious with the words I write. Kids have a memory of an elephant and a seal combined, and they often jolt us out of our comfort zones.  

Lord, may all those who read us find us faithful.  Help us leave footprints that will lead children to come into and believe in Your grace.


  1. Thank God for FB, you were reconnected somehow. Memories forgotten by the mind can always be channeled through the heart.

  2. FB does interconnect people, even strangers. "Memories forgotten..." My thoughts exactly! Thank you for the note, JP.

  3. Imagine what a siopao treat, or a taho treat, and the love that came with that, can do to leave an imprint on a child's mind! Touching, Grace, thanks.

  4. Kids do have a big memory bank!
