

With the unabated rainfall in the last several days, which has caused massive floods in Metro Manila, our well-ordered schedule has degenerated into chaos.

There is zero internet connection at home, causing communications to go awry; I had to travel all the way to Makati, where I am now, to get wired back to the world. This blog post is eight hours too late! 
Then like the heavy water falling from the sky, my text messages consistently pour with unwelcome news. A close, beloved cousin, with no life-threatening disease, suddenly passes on. Another friend succumbs to multiple organ failure. I need to say my final good-byes, rains notwithstanding.
The TV pelts us with grim news of people losing their homes, everything they ever owned, and loved ones.   

Classes are suspended; meetings are postponed; appointments are cancelled; everything is at a standstill.

But betwixt and between comes grace.

Son number two, who lives abroad, calls to ask how the floods are affecting us. Son number three, also abroad, calls likewise, concerned over the same thing. Then son number one makes me a steaming cup of cappuccino, complete with authentic froth.

Sons are the sunshine—and God's gift—on a cold, dark, and dreary day of steady rainfall. How can a mother complain?


  1. I actually find it kinda disturbing to see the date yesterday, same with the famous Genesis chapter telling Noah's story. It's a reminder for all of us to change our ways.

  2. Your sons are like suns. We need a thousand suns as well. Oh my I really admire your discipline, going all the way down to an internet cafe to blog, this I have to emulate. Help me Lord to write in spite of the rains. Always glad for your posts. Lets have some tete-a-tete sometime. Love to hear your thoughts as always.

  3. Dear Dragon Scribe,

    God promised in the same book that He will never flood the earth like the great flood again. What we're having is a far cry from Noah's time. It is regional monsoon, worsened by people's utter disregard for proper garbage disposal, building ethics, and preservation of trees. Oh, when will we ever learn? Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Dear I believe,

    I keep saying in my book talks that writing is a regimen. It has to have a daily pattern. My blog has a pattern of every four days--I have to practice what I preach. ;D

    Tete-a-tete sometime soon would be great! Just say when. Thanks for the kind words.

  5. Typhoon or no typhoon, His grace protects and enables and cares and loves. We're not immune from the tragedies of this world, but He shields us to soften their blow.

  6. We're now busy collecting relief goods for the flood victims. I hope their lives get back to normal soon--by His grace.
