
LOG University

Have you heard of LOG University?

Neither had I, until I re-connected with an old friend—a young and courageous missionary/pastor in a religious-intolerant country.

He's on a brief home leave and makes time to visit our church, where he used to worship. As he and I chat over pancit, served after our Mission Month celebration, our topic moves from serious writing to blogging. 

“I visit your blog regularly,” he says. “Wow, you sure are prolific!”

“Every three to four days,” I laugh. “I try to keep to that rhythm and so far, I have remained faithful for almost seven years. Stay on schedule, or you'll lose your steam.”   

“It was you who started me on blogging,” he adds.


“Yes, you and JR,” he replied. (JR is my youngest son, with whom this young missionary has worked in the Lord’s service while in the Philippines.) “Both of your writings have inspired me to keep writing, too—and now on blogosphere.”

“Really? How nice!”

“I call your blog my LOG University.”

“LOG university?” I repeat like a parrot.

“Leaves of Grace University,” he explains.

“Oh.” At this point, my vocabulary runs dry. 

“It teaches me to . . .”

At this point, too, my mouth turns into a Sahara desert. A conversation such as this always humbles me, and makes me wonder how it is possible for my writing to inspire others to do the same—and how such an encounter encourages me as well. 

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)

And I go back to grace—my blog’s title and only reason for existence. A LOG University begins with grace.


  1. I'm a student too of LOG University and still enrolled.

  2. Hi Ate Grace, just saw this post tonight, been away to different villages lately - so no internet and blogging. thanks for inspiring more with this write up - "LOG University". For sure,you've got hundreds or more inspired learners silently and loudly following your blog. God bless po!

  3. Yay, friends always say the loveliest things! They forgive lapses and such. Thank you.

  4. Dear Big Al,

    You've been busy! May you continue to be blessed with strength and passion in your work for the Lord. Our prayers go with you.

    Thank you for your kind words. Been trying to post comments on your blog, but couldn't get through.

  5. Hello po ulit Ate Grace,

    about you trying to post comments o my blog, sorry, I stopped monetizing comments kasi kung ano-ano po pumapasok na di nakakatuwa. thanks po ulit and appreciated your prayers and encouragement. God bless mucho!
