
Looking for Directions?

Guess what is the most accurate system in providing locations. The GPS? Google Maps?

No to both. We got lost a few times using one or the other.  

There's a guaranteed, error-free way, and it's perfectly Pinoy: the tricycle driver.

Ask him how to get to where you are going, and he’ll tell you the exact and quickest route. No tricycle driver ever disappointed us yet. And I don’t think one ever will—not any time in the future. A tricycle driver, whom I call grace on the road, sure knows his path.  

This brings me to an odd but accurate comparison in locating directions: The tricycle driver and the Bible.

“Turn right on the second road, go straight till the traffic light, then turn left. It’s the second building to your right,” said the tricycle driver. We got there without delay.

The Bible gives us the most accurate and the only direction to where we should go in life. Without it, we will be lost—detouring and going around in circles—ending up on every road but the right one to our destination.

Thomas asked Jesus, “. . . We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way? Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:5-6 NLT)

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