
My New Friend Hannah

First, she attached this intriguing photo to her Private Message (PM) on Facebook. Hannah and I have never met, although she's one of my over 2,000 FB friends.  

Next, she posted this.

Every day she would PM and ask, “Have you received my letter?”

It never arrived, probably because she addressed it to a PO Box. I was of course disappointed, and so was she.

“You know, I also love to write stories like you,” she wrote and sent me a series of cool stickers. “I hope you get to read my letter. I love your books. I want to come to the book fair, but I need to ride a plane. It's too far away."

“Sorry, Hannah, I have not received your letter yet,” I apologized for the nth time. Her reply shocked me.

“You know why I love to send stickers? It’s because I'm still nine years old.”

Nine years old?! All along I thought I was communicating with an adult! At her age, she writes really well—a budding writer indeed.

Not ever wanting to disappoint a kid, especially a book lover, I asked for her home address and immediately sent her via courier “Coming Home,” my latest children’s book.      

As soon as she got the package, she thanked me profusely on PM and asked, “Please read my mom’s FB post.” 

“Hannah is book lover and she wanted to get in touch with the authors of the book she reads. Today her prayers were answered! She was so happy to receive a gift—latest released book—from one of her favorite authors. She said it was her best gift. To God be the Glory!”

I soon learned from various FB posts that Hannah is ranked #1 in her class and is a pastor’s kid.

“Your name is a palindrome,” I wrote her the next day.

“What is that?”

“It is spelled the same way whether forward or backward.”

“Ooohhh. My best friend’s name is a palindrome, too: Ainia. She's also like me—loves books, art, and really cares for other people. And we put up this club called WWJD (What would Jesus Do?).”

A kindred spirit!

God's grace of friendship surprises and delights all at once. Why, He sent me Hannah, 9, from out of nowhere on cyberspace!


  1. That is soooo inspirng ms. grace!

  2. Hi, Edwin! Thanks for the visit. Yes, readers like Hannah serve as my inspiration to write, write, write. What grace.

  3. And I was almost around her age when I first wrote you a letter! Time flies, Tita Grace! :)

  4. How can I ever forget your letter, Ysabel! It's filed in my heart. Thank you for keeping in touch!

  5. ...thank you Si much Ms Grace you inspired my daughter to write...write...write...God bless!

  6. Dear Lovelyn,

    I'm thrilled to hear about kids who love to write. Please continue to encourage your daughter to do so.
