
Online Grace (4): Bypassed No More

Mr. Generoso, CEO of the company, introduced a young, bespectacled young man to Pearl. 

“My new boss!” Pearl guessed. 

"Yes. Raphael will take charge of HR starting next month."
"Welcome, Sir Raphael," said Pearl.

Mr. Generoso explained, "Pearl will assist you in every possible way. She has been with the department for five years now.”

Five years and five bypasses, Pearl thought, smiling. Mr. Generoso moved Pearl from another unit to HR because, "We need you to run this important department."

However, when the season for promotions came, she was always bypassed by people less experienced. Mr. Generoso would apologize, "If it were up to me, I’d have promoted you to head HR on day one. But the position requires a college degree.”

Pearl dropped out of college in her third year to work, because her ailing father had huge medical expenses. She’d been an asset in this company, but.

Her younger but degreed bosses, meanwhile, were not equipped for the pressure the job entailed. So like clockwork, they resigned after a year or less.

Pearl had read an ad about an online HR course offered by a UK university. With her savings, she enrolled. Why, it was peanuts! Her five-year experience in the workplace enabled her to breeze through it all.

Encouraged by the ease of getting a BA degree, she enrolled for her MBA, also online.

When promotion season came again, Pearl knew Mr. Generoso would apologize for the nth time why Pearl was not qualified for the top position. 

This time, Pearl had her ammo.

Mr. Generoso was shocked. He gawked in awe at Pearl's diploma and her tuition receipt for MBA. He sputtered, "Pearl, more than anyone, you deserve to head this department! Now you are!”

"Bypassed no more?" Pearl joked. 

Mr. Generoso turned red, embarrassed but ecstatic.

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