
Christmas Extravagance

A few houses in our village are go-to places during Christmas. The owners put up thousands of lights that elicit aahs and oohs from all passers-by. The multi-colored lights blink in ways nobody ever thought possible. Neighbors say the owners scour the world for the most magnificent  lights through the year so they could display them on Christmas—as their gift to one and all.  

Every year, people in the area and from different faraway places come in droves just to behold these spectacles. 

Instead of lights, other houses decorate with everything people associate with Christmas celebrations—Santa riding his sleigh with his reindeers, musical bells, the magi, and angels. All of them are bigger than life and move to the rhythm of Christmas carols. Videos complete the décor.  

These houses, too, draw large crowds. 

Such extravagance!  And yet, we know that because the houses are owned by billionaires, the expense for those Christmas displays is just a drop in the bucket of material riches.     

They may splurge all they want, and yet they—anyone—can never approximate nor even come close to the extravagance ordinary human beings were treated to on that first Christmas. 

God gave His only begotten Son as our Christmas Gift so that we may someday live in His house which, I am sure, is beyond magnificence and splendor, defying human imagination.  

Can anyone or anything compare with such heavenly extravagance?  

“You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9 NLT)  

Reflect and pray: 

Why is there no greater than the gift of Christ Himself? 

Photo credits: top; bottom 

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