
Same Difference

“Mom, you’ve been wanting a new sala set. Now you can choose whatever you want and that’ll be my Christmas and birthday gift to you,” said Mrs. Cruz’ eldest son. 

Mrs. Cruz would turn 75 on Christmas day and was excited over this generous gift. She went to the mall as soon as it opened. After scouring several shops, she saw the sala set she liked. “Please reserve it for me,” she told the salesman. But thinking she might still see something better, she walked round and round the mall. 

One hour later, she exclaimed, “This is it!” She told the salesman she would buy the sala set and wanted it delivered to her home right away.  

“I am sorry, Ma’am,” the salesman replied, “but that sala set has been reserved.” He then looked at his record and Mrs. Cruz read the name, “Mrs. Cruz!” 

She didn’t know whether to laugh or blush. She had totally forgotten it was the same sala set she reserved an hour ago. Am I losing my memory? she worried. Dementia? Alzheimer’s? Amnesia? 

Later, she narrated her boo-boo to her friends and like a deluge, she got similar senior stories from all. 

“But hey,” one of them said, “my apo is only 17 but he always forgets to turn off the light or lock the door! It’s not a senior thing!” 

They giggled like teenagers. 

Upon reaching our senior years, many of us begin to worry about mental health. Surely, failing of faculties come with age, but if we are steadfast in our faith, nothing should shake us. 

“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.” (Psalm 73:26 NLT) 

Reflect and pray: 

How can I leave my health worries at the Lord’s feet? 

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