
PINK Be with You

 Peace was the buzzword in the 60s, especially in the US, to protest the Vietnam war. Because of its immense popularity among the hippies, who powered the anti-war movement, it became a generic word to represent world peace. 

Its popularity held till the 1980s among activists opposing nuclear power. 

Today, many peace advocates insist that PINK is the color of harmony and therefore the color of peace, or the opposite of war. 

So in today's political landscape, "Peace be with you" may be said as "Pink be with you."

VP Leni who is running for president, is an advocate for peace (the polar opposite of a warmonger). One of her most quoted statements is, "Madaling makipag-debate, mas radical ang magmahal [rough translation: It's easy to engage in a word war; it is more radical to love]." 

Heeding her call, many of her support groups conduct activities of grace that show this love for peace: free lugaw (porridge, seen as watery and non-essential), a term her competitors used to demean her, but which has been turned into something positive to feed the hungry; and free rides for weary commuters.  

And so, per Leni, it is "Pink be with you." 

These photos say it better. Again, since there are too many of them, not one replicates any of my past collages. 

"Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it." Psalm 34:14 (NLT)

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