
PINKing Out Loud

Squeaky. That's how I described VP Leni's lackluster survey voice in numbers before October 2021. She was a poor 5th among prospective six presidential candidates. Her name hardly resonated with the research sample.

However, after she filed her certificate of candidacy, the squeaky sound suddenly became a clear, audible voice—in PINK. The volume of the once-insignificant sound has been growing louder.  
Two months later, the voice became a distinct PINK sound—blasting, booming, blaring in many parts of the country and the world, intensified by volunteerism, an attitude that is enabled by grace. 

I've never had so many chat and FB groups since social media came to being. Through these groups, with the number of creative ads for various demographics and psychographics (jingles, memes, Tik-Tok, video shorts, songs, poetry, art), the voice is loud, boosted by multiple sharing and re-posting. 

And yet, this volume has to be louder still to drown out the competitors' noise. They have the money, power, machinery and name known in the political scene for many years that can easily amp up their voices without lifting a finger. 

We, who share Leni's values (sincerity, honesty, and transparency), know what she has done and can do for the country. We need to think out loud, express our individual and collective thoughts so that we may be heard by ears deafened by lies and fake news. 

I was once shy about speaking up about my political views, but with the din of fakeries and rudeness, I decided to PINK out loud, using only PINK language that neither belittles nor berates others about their choices. Meaning, I speak only of truth and stay monadic.  

Below are moving photos (I try not to repeat any image from my previous PINK collages) of how volunteers are amplifying this volume. There are tons more. . . I can't keep up. 

"So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body." (Ephesians 4:25 NLT)  

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