
PINK outside the Box

One of the things I learned in the workplace that I'll take to my grave is "Think outside the box."  

This metaphor means: think differently, unconventionally, or take a new, unpredictable perspective. It is creative thinking. 

The word "meh" was not in vogue then, but my boss in advertising (a British gentleman) would have used it each time I showed him work he had already heard before.  

I am using this metaphor for VP Leni. She is not your typical politician; she thinks outside the box. Let me cite three of her decisions, among many:    

One, when President Duterte, out of pique, dared her to take the lead of the anti-drug war since she was so critical of it, everyone knew it was a trap and she should decline.  To everyone's surprise, she accepted the challenge. After 18 days, she was sacked.  Traditional politicians would have been shamed and hit back big time. But no, she said she would do anything for the country, and went on with her advocacies unhurt.   

Two, she has been trolled and maligned with below-the-belt fake news, making her look inept, weak, and dumb. Instead of clarifying such news and defending herself, she said it is not her loss; she sleeps well at night. 

Three, she encourages her supporters to use kind words that heal instead of crude cusses that hurt. 

Unlike ferocious beasts that traditional politicians are, Leni's growing base—who chose pink as Leni's campaign color—have organized themselves into various groups and are taking the cudgels for her.

Leni inspires thinking outside the box.  

"Meh" does not figure in her people-led campaign that has developed into a movement. Many of the activities are unconventional, spurred by volunteerism—free artwork by artists, free songs and jingles by musicians, free tarps and stickers from donors, free treatment by doctors, free legal advice by lawyers, free tutoring by teachers, and free lugaw (porridge) from community pantries. Then there are caravans and homes being decorated with pink lanterns. Plus many, many more.  

Look closely at how these photos illustrate thinking outside the box. 

" . . . let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." (Matthew 5:16 NLT) 

Note: All the above images were borrowed from posts on FB. I wish I could name their creators, but they remain anonymous. I am grateful for their generosity. 

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