
Picture perfect: PINK Worth a Thousand Words

The lighting is flat; the composition is chaotic; the colors are washed out; the texture is uneven; and the subject is defocused.  


This picture says all that I could not put accurately in words. It demonstrates all the reasons why I chose VP Leni for my president.  Based on her sterling track record, I believe she will bring our country to where it should be—a well-run home Filipinos deserve. 

This happened on her way to a rally in Cavite, where an estimated crowd of 47,000 people awaited her. But the political kingpins, who have ruled that place for years and are  supporting another candidate, put up roadblocks (literally and figuratively). According to news reports, the air waves were jammed,  posters were torn down, bus rentals were banned, road repairs suddenly surfaced, and many routes to the venue were closed. 

Result: monumental traffic jam! 

After getting stuck in the gridlock for more than four hours, VP Leni decided to hitch a ride on the back of a motorcycle. It was something nobody expected. It happened so fast that cameras were outraced to document it well. 

“A political gimmick!” her bashers chorused. Indeed, why would a person in her position even think of it? But look! Pictures, like grace, write more words that we can craft. 

She is not a stranger to motorcycle in all her years lawyering at the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) and later at SALIGAN, an NGO, where she defended the poor and the helpless to ensure their free access to the courts. She had gone and will go to places in/on any transportation available to ordinary people (bus, tricyle, cart, boat, jeepney) where she is needed, whatever it takes, rain or shine. 

A few weeks later, we read on the news again that she visited a miniscule community on an island politicians ignore—this time on a cramped boat!   

So this is not about riding a motrocycle in that place where she is a persona non grata; it is about having the heart to serve and serve well, even if it means going to danger zones. It is about being a courageous servant leader, a rarity these modern days.  

The servant-leadership theory in workplaces is defined as “focusing on your staff’s growth and well-being, and putting their needs first. Instead of you being served, you serve them.” 

That’s what these pictures paint so vividly for those who attend her mammoth rallies. It is why the color of hope, PINK, which her supporters chose as her campaign color, is worth a thousand words.  

“ . . . Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-45 NLT)

Photo credits: Thank you to all those who posted these photos online.  

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