
PINK Murals on Good Morals

When even a famous master artist like Lydia Velasco takes to the streets and joins people of all ages and social strata in painting murals on community and private walls—under the heat of the sun—you know something sublime is simmering.  

PINK is at work.  

It’s the campaign for good and honest governance for a rosy tomorrow (transliteration of VP Leni’s tagline: Kulay rosas ang bukas). 

Painting murals (done and financed by volunteers) on the beauty of a better future if we had VP Leni at the helm, began with the presidential campaign in October. But it accelerated to a feverish speed when in Echague, Isabela, COMELEC personnel—abetted by men in uniform—painted white over a VP Leni’s team mural, painstakingly done by youth volunteers for days on a private wall! 
They claimed it was a part of the COMELEC’s directive to take down campaign materials that violated specified sizes. Immediately after that infamous white paint-over, VP Leni’s campaign volunteers painted the wall again. This time with plain PINK, a statement more eloquent than images and words.  

Many of VP Leni’s posters were also taken down in that northern province, which is reportedly the bailiwick of Marcos Jr., VP Leni’s rival. As more posters were taken down elsewhere, and after one other wall in Las Pinas City was painted over by unidentified men during a Marcos Jr. rally, mural painting went on overdrive! 

Men, women, and children all over the country now continue to paint PINK murals. These images of grace (there are many, many more on the Internet or un-uploaded ones) have but one message: An honest government brings about better lives for all.  

“Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed.” (Proverbs 12:19 NLT) 

Photo credits: All photos are borrowed from the Net. 

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