
Green + Blue = PINK

Something wonderful happened on 12 April 2022 that I have not seen in my lifetime. I am blogging about it now, because my joy cannot be contained.  

Age-old archrivals in the UAAP, Ateneo Blue Eagles and La Salle Green Archers, joined forces to show support for the presidential run of VP Leni Robredo.

The crowd, composed of fans of both schools wore PINK, Leni’s campaign color,  at the Mall of Asia Arena. 

I’ve always believed that sports unify many people of different races and religions. They come together when they support the same team, not caring if the people with them are different. 

But the way two opposing teams unified in this UAAP game was unprecedented. 

The game’s result (Ateneo got its 7th straight win over De La Salle since 2017) was not unexpected. The surprise grace, for me, was the answer to the call of both Ateneo and La Salle: 

Fr. Bobby is Fr. Bobby Yap, SJ, president of Ateneo; Br. Bernie is Bro. Bernie Oca, FSC, president of De La Salle.

There was a similar attempt in 2016, when fans were requested to wear black in protest of Marcos’s burial at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani and to oppose the extrajudicial killings. Very few came in black.  

But this time, the crowd was predominantly PINK. 

And instead of jeers and taunts during and after the game, the PINK-clad sports enthusiasts chanted “Kiko, Leni!”

Watching the game on FB live, I typed the day's significance, “Blue + Green = PINK.” The post was rewarded with 100 heart emojis. 

One, however, ridiculed it with a laughing emoji and a rough/rude message (translated to English here): You seem to be color blind. Green plus blue is cyan or blue-green. Hahaha!” 

That stumped me. What has happened to our brain?

I replied, “That is called metaphor in literature, and not to be taken literally. Peace.”  

On social media, I read many disparaging messages like this. But I won’t let them dampen my soaring spirit from that day bitter rivals both came in PINK.

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3 NIV) 

1 comment:

  1. What a statement those teams and the teams made. People are really going all out to score pink points. May it translate in the ballots! As for the mockers, the mock is on them!
