
Five Men and a Lady in PINK

If the joint press conference of three candidates for president and two for VP on Easter morning were a movie, it would be a blockbluster. It was bursting with bluster. 

It starred five grown-up men having temper tantrums and plotting to massacre an unseen PINK widow. 

Successively, the men of high stature accused VP Leni of persuading them to withdraw, which they all resent (badly bruised egos?), and which they will not do—the reason for the press conference.

One even venomously sneered, his hurt pride overtly showing, that instead of him, “VP Leni should withdraw as the extreme sacrifice for the good of the country.” 

They went as far as warning us that a Leni win would be dangerous because the #1 contender would not take it sitting down.

I was lost at that point. How would a movie viewer or critic analyze such an epic film, starring five men, full of malevolence toward a PINK lady?  

The plot is a bit too ambitious; the dialogue, a shade too copius; the characters, a tad too malicious; and the theme, a little too hilarious. They rhyme! 

So I walked out of the blockbluster film with these questions: 

Why would five able-bodied men gang up and pick on the runner-up in surveys and not the front runner? 

Why would five macho males spend for an expensive venue and luxurious logistics to crassly spit on the PINK widow who is, at this point of the race, seems to be only #2? 

Why couldn’t they have condemned instead ills of the campaign such as the malicious sex video on the PINK widow’s child that is being used to malign her? 

Why couldn't they have promised to help in making sure we'd have clean, honest elections? 

Here we are, ordinary, grace-reliant PINK volunteers, full of HOPE for better governance, and here are five powerful men trying to steal that HOPE.   

"You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry . . ." (Exodus 22:22-23 ESV)

Photo credits: the second and third photos (CTTO)were borrowed from the Net. Thank you, dear kakampinks. 


  1. Beautifully written, Grace. On point

  2. Auntie, this ploy that those so called candidates for public office have pulled was an attempt at bullying their threat. How sad for these insecure men!


    Panganay ni Marlo

  3. Auntie, natatakot lang yung mga lalaki sa VP.

    What a desperate show of toxic masculinity and an overt display of bullying!

    How can they pretend to be applying for public service if their actions are so obviously self-serving?

    Praying that the Filipinos see through their hero-worship and vote for the best outcome for the country as a whole.

  4. Hello, Reggie! Thank you for the encouragement. We will try to do our best to make sure we have honest people in government. May we elect officials who have our welfare in mind.

  5. Hello, Joeboy! I am so delighted to "see" you on my blog. Your observations are spot on. Some candidates are running for their own benefits, not the people's. Worse, they put down women. Sad, isn't it?

    Please extend my regards to Marlo, your mom, and the whole family! I hope to see you, if ever you visit the Philippines.

  6. I still believe the presidentials, with the exception of Pacquiao, were paid to run. For the office of president and also to run after Leni, for added bashing and further messing up. Nothing bad was said of BBM. Everything bad was said about Leni. Wonder how they’re enjoying their rewards now. And where.

  7. You're absolutely right. That is the suspicion of many. All of them were badmouthing only Leni.
