
PINK Oldies are PINK Goodies

“Doughnut. That’s how I feel like these days,” blurted my friend who always likes to sound mysterious.  

Figuring out her enigmatic remarks is like solving a crossword puzzle. Instantly clickety-clicking ideas in my brain, I replied, “Me too.” 

“What kind?” she asked cryptically again.  


“I am strawberry-flavored, with pink sprinkles,” she laughed, delighted that I got her drift.

It was an easy puzzle really. Invented in mid-19th century, doughnuts are ancient, like both of us. But they remain strong-sellers today, as bakers enhance them. 

Many come in PINK, the stand my friend and I (survivors of Martial law and veterans of the people power movement) have taken on seriously.   

This political campaign reunited me with long-ago friends, now mostly seniors and retired. We met again online, on FB pages for Leni/Kiko. If that isn’t grace, what is? Our bond has been reinforced by our shared values of decency and integrity in governance. We’re oldies now, unable to go house-to-house anymore, but after years in an oven called Earth, we have been baked into wisdom-goodies.     

Another friend messaged me with a statement punctuated with excitement, “I have been re-tired!!!” On social media, I see him and his wife attending rallies and donating materials for the Leni/Kiko campaign. New PINK tires run faster indeed.  

One other PINK goodie wrote, “I have an osteoarthrtic knee joint and several co-morbidities, so it’s my fingers that are doing the walking and campaigning.”  

I have many more PINK encounters: "Prayer warriors here!" They are my pep pills every day. If I included all of Tony’s, I could write a book or two! 

Oldies are as strong as ever. Many of us finance volunteers with our savings and retirement pension. Seniors comprise 11.3% of the Philippine population, based on the 2020 census. 

Be warned. The PINK doughnuts are coming at you!     
"Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old . . ." Job 12:12 NLT

Photo credits: All the images are borrowed from the Net. CTTO. There is no way I can get all your permission, so I beg for your understanding.  

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