
Push for PINKclusivity

This has been the recurring message of VP Leni through the years. 

After being relentlessly vilified as VP, Leni is unfazed and repeats what she has been pushing for since day one: inclusivity.* 

*All Filipinos. Everyone. Pinclusion. Nobody left behind. 

The evolution of her team’s campaign logo illustrates this: 

I am taking the liberty of translating her statements in Filipino, on various occasions, to English: 
Her team’s campaign slogan, which she crafted herself, encapsulates all of the above: ]

(Under an honest and efficient government, everyone will have a better life.) 

These, for me, are words of grace. And on Easter morning, after being belittled and badmouthed by three male candidates for president, with two male candidates for VP as witnesses, Leni issued this statement: 

Meaning, push for inclusivity! (My term: PINKclusivity)  

Again, why Leni for president? 

It is she whose values and platforms give me HOPE, as symbolised by the color PINK. It is she who  echoes God's Word on inclusivity. In her interviews and sorties, she never neglects to push it.  
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible . . . live at peace with everyone."  Romans 12:17-18 (NIV) 

Photo credits: CTTO 

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