
PINK Plea: Vote Right for the Children

In two weeks, we will trek to the polls and vote for the officials who will lead our country in the next six years. Before we do, let us please think of our little ones. 

What the children will reap tomorrow depends on what we sow today. We need to vote right, elect role models, and leave a good place—where hard work, good values, inclusivity, and honesty are just as important as a strong economy. 

This is powerfully communicated in images by Robert Alejandro, one of the A-list artists I admire (hope to meet and thank him someday) and a kakampink (a fellow PINK volunteer), who has been producing tons of beautiful works of art for VP Leni’s team. He posts on his wall what I express in words in my books for children. 
I downloaded (all up for grabs, he said) those with children in them.  

"Why write for children?" people often ask me. I wish to help reinforce the vital values that kids learn at home, in church, and in school, or I don’t write at all. 

That’s why when artists, particularly creators for children (writers, designers, illustrators, editors, publishers, printers, musicians, translators, actors, producers, and directors), bonded together to endorse VP Leni’s Team, I wanted to be counted. 

Here is the formal endorsement of over 200 of us:  

The first paragraph of the text reads (translated from Filipino): 

"Every written story, every illustrated image, and every staged performance that we, people of the arts, create bears a collective dream and a prayer—may the work of our hearts usher in a peaceful and progressive life and future for the children."  

VP Leni, as shown in many of her photos, love children. A mother of three well-mannered daughters, and soon, by God’s merciful grace, the president of this country, she wants what is best for the children.  

On May 9, let us please shade those ballots with the future of all Filipino children in mind.   

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” (Psalm 127:3 NLT) 

Photo credits: All images, aside from Robert Alejandro's, were also borrowed (CTTO) from the Net as uploaded by kakampinks from all parts of the country. My deepest gratitude to all. 

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