
Piles of PINK Receipts

A popular word on social media during this political campaign is resibo (receipt): proof of payment. But the upsurge of fake news has re-defined resibo as: proof of truth. 

Sensible people validate their messages with resibo: unaltered photos, unedited videos, and quotes from reliable sources. 

But detractors of VP Leni sneer, “She has done nothing,” clueless about a VP’s constitutional job as simply being a spare tire, in case the president is incapacitated. 

These slanderers refuse to see that VP Leni—long before she was elected to a government post—had been working for poor communities, as a PAO and NGO lawyer and volunteer social worker. And as VP, she filled in gaps in government jobs, with the help of private institutions who trust her. 

Piles of receipts available online prove these.  
One of my many volunteer groups (called FB chat groups), is composed of past admen. Finding these piles of resibo, we decided to WFH together via our keyboards. The account executives among us craft the strategies and plans. The creatives (copywriters, art directors, and producers) execute them.  

We have grouped ourselves into teams, based on ad types, target demographics and psychographics. Oh, what grace the work has been! Hard labor that used to take months in the workplace are reduced to a day or two. 


Absolutely no need for these: talent scouting, contract signing, photo shoots, client calls, production meetings, fee negotiations, budget preps, and brainstorming for a campaign slogan. 

Each team simply chooses from piles and piles of PINK receipts showing hope in VP Leni, and uses the succinctly written unifying tagline provided by Leni herself.  

(A good and honest government ushers in a better life for all.) 

As in all projects for Leni’s team, nobody grabs any credit, or cares who gets it. Below are some of the many PINK receipts we transformed into a print-ad campaign. 

Each image demonstrates her work ethics and brand of leadership, which keep us hoping for a rosy future.   

What baffles me is that vilifiers play blind and deaf to these proofs. 

Worse, they deny the resibo in history books, official documents, and court decisions about the irrefutable damage Martial Law inflicted upon the Philippines and its constituents. 

These denials have opened our wounds of grief over deaths of friends, torture of innocent people, loss of jobs and freedom, and other unconscionable atrocities.    

"I will never understand—till my death perhaps—why people refuse to see the truth in resibo!" I messaged my kakampinks (pink allies) in frustration. 

"Chill," one wrote and attached the image below. "I'll lend them my rose-colored glasses." 

“’You have eyes—can’t you see? You have ears—can’t you hear?’ Don’t you remember anything at all?’” Mark 8:18 NLT 

1 comment:

  1. May all these efforts result in the change we badly need for our country. Yet, Lord, apart from you, all these efforts will be for nothing. Bless us with you favor. Heal our land!
