
PINK Tsunami: Up, Down, and All Around

“A rumor is going around that a well-funded demolition job on VP Leni and her daughters will be mounted after Holy Week,” I messaged my sister Aie. 

“There’s no way to stop the PINK tsunami,” she replied tersely. 

Well, I’ve seen an upsurge of the color PINK wherever I look since February, the start of the national political campaign. 

Tsunamis are surging giant waves.

But they begin small and insignificant under the sea and do not suddenly increase in height the way we know them. When the earth quakes or volcanoes erupt, those small waves travel to the shore, building up to higher and higher heights as the ocean depths become shallower. 

The PINK campaign in the beginning was small and insignificant, with very low numbers in polls. Not too many people knew of VP Leni’s track record. But as it rushes toward the shore for the May 9 presidential election, mammoth crowds from different places are coming together—and becoming bigger and bigger—out-sizing each other in numbers and creativity. 

Look up, and you see PINK above. 
Look down, and you see PINK below. 
Look around, and you see PINK from side to side.  

PINK tsunami? It certainly has the height, width, breath, force, and girth, and all superlatives that describe those giant waves.  

I mined the Net for news, photos, and video footages. How can I disagree with my sister?      

As a blogger on grace (16 years now), I have always believed that, like tsunami, grace can’t be confined at the bottom of the sea or on terra firma. We see it above, below and all around.
“. . . may the Almighty bless you with the blessings of the heavens above, and blessings of the watery depths below, and blessings of the breasts and womb.” (Genesis 49:25 NLT)

Photo credits: Not one of the photos is mine (ctto). I borrowed them from kakampinks who uploaded them to FB. Thank you so much! 


  1. A tsunami is unstoppable! What He has started, He will complete. O Lord, give our nation this one last chance at hope.

    1. That's exactly what Aie tells me, because I often worry. Haha! Thanks, Yay, for being a pillar of strength. Yes, God will finish what he has started in all aspects of our lives.
