
Tony; the Terminator

Notice the punctuation mark above? It is a semi-colon. The Terminator does not refer to Tony. It refers to Arnold Schwarzenegger, whom we all know as the Terminator. 

In a strange sort of way, I liken my husband to Arnold. Not from the beginning of time, but from the time I took this photo . . . 

. . . then I saw on the Net Arnold’s photo that apes Tony’s. He has been cutting his son’s hair. 

“He” refers to both. Tony cuts son #1’s hair every Saturday, like clockwork. Arnold seems to have been cutting his son Patrick’s hair from boyhood.  

What does that tell me? 

That both are good dads (saving money on haircuts), not necessarily good barbers. 

And that’s where this blog ends on that matter. Because try as I might, I can’t see any other similarity between Tony and Arnold except the above photos—and of course the inspiring grace that comes when I behold heartwarming scenes such as these.  

This likewise ends (or terminates) my 2023 blog entries, showing the
simplicity versus the complexity that the rituals of modern lives have turned into. 

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