
“My God, My God . . .”

Good Friday, 2024. This afternoon, at 3 PM, we will begin our worship service in church to look back on the crucifixion and Jesus’ seven last words. 

I was assigned by our pastor to speak on the 3rd word, “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani,” translated to English as, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” 

Exactly 17 years ago, I spoke about the same, as written in Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, and Psalm 22:1. 

No matter how I go around the words or how much research I do (reading studies by Bible scholars back and forth), I end up on the same page—the truth. 

What I said 17 years ago remains unchanged.   

The only change I see around me is the art of rendering by talented artists, like this awesome one by my friend Tom Yboa. (He posted it early this morning and it gave birth to this blog.) 

I can’t help but marvel at his lines, colors, and textures. They are different from those of other art pieces then and now, but for me, the essence that I speak about is encapsulated in this one magnum opus:  

My Savior, the Author of life, Who knew it all, Who had it all, gave it all up so I may be free from the slavery of sin. 

Lord Jesus, thank you for your bottomless grace. Amen. 

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