
Holy Week: Is PINK Your Favorite Color?

That is a question readers often ask me. It is something expected, because every Wednesday, my post on social media is about PINK. 

This started during the political campaign when supporters of Atty. Leni Robredo posted every Wednesday something PINK, her campaign color.

I believed then (and now) that PINK is a color of hope. Hope has not left me even after she lost the election. 

And so PINK Wednesday it will always be—beyond politics. My PINK posts now focus on deeper knowledge about creation and creativity. Looking for PINK in nature and in humanity, then learning more about them, has actually deepened my supreme awe of our Creator whose out-of-this-world ideas are more than amazing. 

And sometimes, I also post PINK ideas of men with God-given talents. 

I had forgotten that my very first PINK Blog was written in the year 2007–17 years ago! It was about my friend Sylvia, whom I have not seen for years, and her love affair with the color PINK.


Today, Holy Wednesday, I posted this on social media.                    

"For some reason, this beautiful PINK flower dramatizes, for me, the events solemnized in all of Christendom this Holy Week. 

The stem bends and stays bowed down, like the mood during the crucifixion on Good Friday. Then after pollination, the stooped stem slowly turns upright (middle photo) into feathery heads, wafting away from the plant—and disappearing with the wind. It is Easter (last photo), Resurrection Day! 

"This PINK Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) at end point looks ethereal, and vanishes from our sight. The same way that Holy Week leads to the celebration of Easter Sunday, when death is conquered and new life is given to all who believe." 

This PINK Wednesday, may we slow down, pause, and reflect on hope, rooted in His grace.    

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