
Philippine Book Fest: Day 2

On day 2, I had book-signing assignments at both the Hiyas booth (children's books) and the OMF Lit booth (Inspirational books for adults). It was another hot day, and so to survive, I chose to wear a loose caftan I usually wear in the neighborhood. A little choker was a camouflage for the casual outfit.  

Signing books for adults opens the door for conversations—I am told about the reasons for buying the book. These reasons border on struggles and coping, my very own when writing every page. Their stories resonate with me and in between we hug tightly. 

I pray that grace may find all of us as we go through this precipice called life, especially these last days. 

"Are you still writing?" they ask.   

"Till the Lord takes me home," is my reply, which is also my wish and prayer. 

"Please do," they encourage me. 

Here are more memories that I will take to my grave: 

I thank the OMF Lit staff for being there every step of the way, overly fussing about and making sure I had everything I needed for the "job." But book events are never a job. They are refreshments, precious gifts from the author of life.  

Photos by: Meljie Lorenzo

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