
I Don't Want to Judge

At first blow, “I don’t want to judge” is a noble statement among Christians. It is also what we call, in this era of compromise, "politically correct." 

Many now believe that every being has the right to say whatever he wants and what to do with his life. We are warned in so many ways not to rock the boat or be branded as self righteous. 

If you as much say a peep about the Word, about what is wrong, the world will hit you back with what is also in the Bible, ". . . let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!" (John 8:7 NLT) 

So, can we censure and correct? Unless it is within our inner circle (family, friends, and church mates), we are afraid of being lynched if we even tried.  

This dilemma has bothered me as I watch with grief the way the world is going—people freely doing anything, sowing seeds of hatred, choosing the gender they prefer, and speaking in despicable language on the Internet.    

“I don't want to judge” then, among Christians, is a washing-of-hands stance. It is an abdication of our responsibility to lead people to Jesus. Every day, as abominations in the Bible (gender re-definition, cursing, greed, idolatry, theft, fake news, etc.) are blatantly committed and justified, we stand still.    

Worse, we can even be tempted to go with these modern “trends” and nobody will say we're wrong.    

What are we to do? 

“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.” (Philippians 2:14-15) 

In a perverse world, may the Lord always shine His grace on us so we can likewise let our light shine. 

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