
The Language of Kindness

Book talks had often brought me to many places in the country. It was a regular activity with my publishers. 

The pandemic, however, put a stop to that. And now that the restrictions have been lifted, it is not easy to go back to regular programming. Many things ground to a halt (procedures, traffic, transportation, protocols, etc.) 

And today, there’s the punishing heat! 

The way to go is online. The invitation to speak at Brightwoods School, as organized by Teacher Catherine Martinez during its Language Week, was not one to pass up. From my workroom, without having to worry about the long road trip to Pampanga, I was able to speak to over 100 school children and their teachers about “Kindness.”

As an author, I weave stories around values, using characters to model them. For me, values go way beyond literal words. They speak through words of behavior and relationships.  

For this, I used some books in the Mateo series in inculcating kindness among children and titled my talk with two words, “Be kind.” 

During His ministry on earth, Jesus embodied this wherever He went. That, to me, is the crux of kindness—and concluded my talk. 

By perfect coincidence, Brightwoods (founded by Ana Maria Yap-Zubiri, the directress) featured my Mateo books that won Palanca Awards in the introduction. 

What I will always remember about that event was the Q&A. The young students asked incisive and profound questions that needed equally reflective answers. Some of them are interested in writing! This was critical thinking at its best (my dream for my college students).

Through Hiyas of OMF Literature, I thank all those involved in the event for inviting me. I am unable to name you all, but I hope to meet you someday. Till then, you will forever be remembered for your kindness. 

It was another peak experience for this writer on grace. 

Photos: by Meljie Lorenzo of OMFLit

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