
When is Valentine's Day?

Tuesday (yesterday) is my day in school, where I teach college students Advertising or English for a few hours. Donning the university's dress code (blazer) and formal shoes, I was dropped off by Tony in the lobby. 

I was surprised to find the students with a uniform red kiss mark on their cheeks. “Miss, Happy Valentine's Day!” they chirped.

Oh, yes, it's Valentine's Day, I thought and quickly forgot all about it.

Then at around noon, when I was about to bite into my sandwich, I decided to check my mobile phone for any text messages. There was one, from Tony: “BTW, Happy Valentine's Day!”

I texted back, “Oh, yes, thanks. Same to you!”

Talk about romance.

It isn't as though romance has suddenly gone out of the window.  But as far back as I could remember, Tony and I never really celebrated Valentine's Day on February 14. We made time to bring the kids out when they were little, but the traffic had always been horrible and our choice restaurants were always full, making us wait in line for hours—so we abandoned the effort. 

When an adman marries an adgal, Valentine's Day is like any other marketing event—a glorious day for marketers and advertisers feasting on mankind. I don't mean to sound callous, considering that people really take the day seriously with roses, chocolates, wine, music, and all, but the day of love, for me, doesn't fall on one specific day.

The verse of the day of BibleGateway, my e-reference for quick scripture searches, was, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 (NIV)

After replying to Tony's text message, grace reminded me of the amazing love the Lord has for each of us.  He loved us when we were yet sinners, not saints. No matter how rotten we become, He loves us anyway, every day.  

Happy Valentine's Day!


Yay Padua-Olmedo said...

Even though my husband doesn't give me flowers and we don't pay serious attention to valentine's day, I know his love is more genuine than any I've know next to God's love. Thank God for love we experience everyday!

Grace D. Chong said...

Had lunch with Carol on Feb. 14. Bistro Lima has Italian buffet on Tuesdays. Wanna try it one Tuesday?

Sash said...

I like that you and your hubby don't do much for valentines, but are secure in your love for each other. My hubby and I are the same, but this year we did have a little more romance than usual, thanks to his discovery of some tips on another blog about when is valentines,so I'm looking forward to next Valentines even more than usual. This is that other blog:

Grace D. Chong said...

Hi, Sash! Thank you for linking me to the other blog. Very interesting read. Ain't it sweet of your husband to do something unusual? Be surprised again next year and enjoy Feb. 14.