
A Little Try and They fly

Every day, after having lunch, Tony and I park ourselves on the terrace. About this time, the birds, a flock of many birds, come and partake of Judge’s (our pet dog) meal. 

For month’s now, I have been dreaming to take a nice photo of them as proof to kith and kin that our house is bird-friendly. But whenever I pick up my phone, they fly away! 

Are birds camera shy? 

One day, as I waited for them to come, I had my camera ready, held in place by my arthritic fingers. The waiting rewarded my arms and fingers with painful cramps. 

Our driver, Sam, saw me and laughed, “Birds are super sensitive to sounds. When they hear even a very slight movement, they fly away!” 

I coudn't give up. The next few days I got a few shots of those who couldn’t fly away fast enough. A group shot of all (about three dozens, or more) would remain a dream.

So I did the next best thing. I took these photos to the computer and with some apps, I simulated their positions. Tada! 

Not as good as the real one and it does not capture their huge number but good enough. I love bird watching because they remind of God’s merciful grace: 

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matthew 6:26 NKJV)

Someday, when these birds of creation stop coming, this photo will remind me of their daily visits to join Tony and me at our after-lunch parking lot. 

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