
Through the Lens of a Child

Not many book readers remember the author’s name; only the content remains in their memory.

That's why it is a bonus—an honor, in fact—when kids who read my storybooks remember my name. “Grace D. Chong” is what they call me, because that is what they read on the cover. That makes my heart curtsy with respect. 

Now, when a child remembers not only my name but how I look and imagines how I work, that’s grandeus grace, like hitting the jackpot! 

The mom of a little girl named Jaz (a smart, talented girl who loves to draw) sent me this gem. Through her lens, she sees me avidly writing.  

My thought balloon, “How could Jaz have known that I munch on something while I write?”  

I would proudly name this perceptive girl, but son #3, a lawyer, always warns me about violating the Data Privacy Act of 2012 whenever he sees me blogging.  

But there’s no law against expressing one’s gratitude, is there? Thank you gazillion times, Jaz! 

May the Lord continue to hone your God-given gifts.    


Anonymous said...

Grace D. Chong, your image will forever remain in my memory! ❤️❤️❤️

Grace D. Chong said...

Oh, wow! What a compliment! Thank you so much.