
New Hands, New Taste

Last year (2023), I totally abandoned my roles (AWOL is a better term) in our Christmas preparations.  

It has something to do with my facilitating our church’s women’s Sunday school, where we studied the true meaning of Christmas. My sons say “age.” 

Yes, age—the wisdom of age.  

The Lord dropped from above new hands to take over my roles, but with a new taste.  

I have often blogged about Mother Teresa and how she came into our lives, after the death of Ate Vi, our faithful househelper for many years. 

Last year, she turned our storeroom upside down to look for old Christmas thingies and by herself put them up in her own way, her taste.  

This year, before the calendar hit December, I took her to the mall and told her to point to decor that might look good at home. She pointed, I paid. 

These are Mother Teresa's workmanship—she mixed and matched old and new and the result is, tada! 
I used to be finicky about color, size, placement, quality, motif, etc. Those I renounced, too. 

She is happy; I am happy; the boys, as usual, noticed nothing. 

This is Christmas: 

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NASB 


Vida said...

Those decorations look wonderful! You are blessed to have an amazing househelper.

Grace D. Chong said...

She's a gift from above.