
Same Difference

Tony and I describe our three sons as fiercely independent, with interests so different from each other. 

Son #1 is an engineer and a software designer—he heads our family business;  son #2 is a physician and lives abroad with his family; son #3 is a lawyer and a dean in a university. 

We had suggestions on what career path they should take when they entered college (five years apart), but they had their own minds and chose what they wanted anyway.  

Despite these apparent differences, however, they are essentially the same in things that matter: values. As the Bible defines them. 

This moral code we tried hard to model as they were growing up and that’s where all three, thank God, are the same. I am wont to discuss these values, but Tony always warns me against being preachy. 

Today is son #3’s birthday, and if he knew I am uploading his photos on the Net (all three plus Tony are camera averse and always prefer to be under the radar), he’ll throw a fit. But I am risking it.  

During the pandemic, he was awarded his SJD (Doctor of Juridical Science), magna cum laude, inside his bedroom. He was wearing his cap and gown, and looked respectable from the waist up, but underneath, he was still our baby bunsoy (youngest child) in his shorts and slippers.  

What should we call you now, I asked proudly, “Doctor or Atty?” 

He deadpanned, “Call me as you’ve always called me.”   

It is my prayer that on his and two older brothers’ career journey, all three will continue living the values taught by their Creator.    

“But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6 ESV)

Like Tony and me, they love books and food, the only two things—we told them early on—we would not scrimp on.   

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